
The Board of the Private Security Authority are delighted to present our Strategic Plan for the period 2023 to 2025. The Plan sets out our objectives for the next three years and focuses on the expansion of licensing, raising the levels of standards and qualifications, and improved communications with our licence holders and the public. Our priority is to protect consumers and the public by strengthening the regulatory environment.

The regulation of the private security industry is an important endeavour. Licensing has changed the face of the Irish security industry, raising levels of professionalism, tackling criminality and the black economy, and instilling public confidence in the provision of services by private security providers. Regulation, like the security industry, is ever evolving. We will continue to work with our industry stakeholders to ensure that regulation together with the standards and qualifications we prescribe remain relevant in this changing environment.

This is an ambitious Plan which will require the support of the Minister for Justice and our industry stakeholders if we are to see its successful implementation. We look forward to working with the Minister, her Department and all those with an interest in the regulation of the security industry over the course of the Plan.

Finally, we would like to thank all those who contributed in the preparation of this strategy. Their contributions helped the Board to set the foundation on which to build this Plan. We would also like to thank the staff of the Authority for their support during the development of the Plan. We look forward to working with all our stakeholders and staff over the three years of the Plan.