Foreword by the Chairman and Chief Executive

It is our pleasure to introduce the Authority’s fourth Strategic Plan which looks ahead over the next three years to 2021. Following the appointment of a new Board in November 2017, we set about reviewing what had been accomplished so far and what still remained to be done. We have identified the key areas where we feel the Authority’s effort should be concentrated. This Plan defines the goals and objectives that the Authority will endeavour to deliver in those key areas over the next three years.

The focus of our Strategic Plan is to complete our licensing mandate, enhance the levels of professionalism in our industry, protect consumers and the public and build our relationships with our licence holders. We want to ensure that regulation benefits our licence holders, their customers and the wider public. We are confident that, with the appropriate resources, the Board and staff of the Authority have the commitment and the enthusiasm to deliver this Plan successfully.

One of our first tasks will be to secure the appropriate resources to fulfil the commitments in our Plan. The work of the Authority has expanded greatly over the course of the previous plan. The number of licensed contractors has risen from 730 across 7 sectors to 1,320 across 12 sectors. We have recently approved the licensing of individuals in monitoring centres and we expect to announce a licensing date for the event security sector shortly. Our capacity to complete the licensing of the remaining sectors of the industry is restricted by our lack of resources, both financial and human. Without a commitment to invest in regulation and the Authority, it will not be possible to complete our statutory mandate.