The Private Security Authority (PSA) has commenced preliminary work on assessing the scope and activities of the private investigation sector in Ireland. This preparatory work is being undertaken in advance of the licensing of Private Investigators which will be introduced at a date in the future which will be announced after the preparatory work has been completed.

As part of this work the PSA has issued a questionnaire aimed at customers, private investigators and those with an interest in the private investigation industry. The questionnaire covers matters such as business structures, activities, qualifications, standards and customer assessment of service delivery. The information gathered will be used by the PSA to guide the development of policy on future licensing of the industry. A copy of the questionnaire is available for download on the PSA website,

This is the first phase in the public consultation process which will continue during the development process in advance of licensing. As part of the development process the PSA will identify standards to be applied to private investigators. These standards will also be published for public consultation at a later date.

The closing date for receipt of completed questionnaires is Friday, the 14th June 2013.